In January, 2020, the Congress enacted the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act…

Outstanding Achievers Highlight Morgan State University’s 145th Spring Commencement
Khir Henderson (CAP Center Scholar) was one of four students in Morgan’s first cohort of Secure Embedded Systems Ph.D. graduates. Raised by his father in a single-parent home, he graduated from high school a year early and came to Morgan as a first-generation college student in 2011, after a short, unpleasant stay at a predominantly white institution and a year working as an elementary school teacher.
Morgan, he says, “blasted away my expectations. I was not prepared for the emotional and financial support. I had great friends since the beginning, and they were there with me at graduation.” He intends to continue his “good experience” with the employer he connected with at a Morgan career fair in 2014, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Henderson says. “But ultimately, I want to solve people problems. I didn’t go to college because I wanted a lot of money. I did it because I could be helping more. And I believe I have the skills and ideals and innovative mindset that Morgan helped develop to enact those things.”
Read the full article here: