SPLICE research addresses issues important to these stakeholders, including (1) situational awareness for Smart-Home residents through new approaches that discover, identify, and locate both cooperative and non-cooperative devices, and discover information flows from such devices; (2) novel interfaces and discovery techniques that enable a new approach to privacy management, one that shifts the burden from end-users to consumer-proxy organizations that have the capability to evaluate the privacy posture of Smart Things; (3) a holistic conceptual framework for reasoning about privacy, based on SPLICE study of stakeholders’ perceptions and expectations of privacy in Smart Homes. By exploring these issues across various types of multi-stakeholder residential settings, SPLICE will deepen scientific understanding of the human factors of privacy and security across different environments and develop innovative technologies to support security and privacy throughout the lifecycle of Smart Things. The project includes programs for middle-school students, research and experiential learning opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, professional development for postdoctoral scholars and junior faculty, and community outreach with the aim of encouraging more women and underrepresented minorities to pursue careers in computing.